Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lazy Sunday...

How was your Sunday? Hope it was good, because I had a great day with my family. Do you know why I love Sundays? Because I can sleep till noon, have late brunch instead of lunch and just do nothing all day! Today was one of those days, since I'm a little bit sick, I spent almost the whole day at home, only went to visit my grandma with my sister. Evening was very rainy, so I stayed at home and watched movies :)
Here you are a few Sunday snapshots!

xo. E

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Crazy weather, crazy people!

Do you know what I love the most living in Klaipeda? Being near the sea! I can't even describe the feeling when I wake up in the morning from the sound of terns! A while ago, it was super crazy weather, the wind was very strong, so me and my friend decided to go by the sea to check how big the waves were. It was worth coming there, the view we saw was amazing. I know the pictures can't convey what my eyes saw, but still take a look at these pictures! :)

xo. E

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Being a student!

Now that I live in a new city, I 'm having so much fun! The city is very beautiful and amazing. As many of you has already seen the pictures in the previous post. But not only the city makes my life better, I also studying journalism, which is very interesting. The university I'm studying in, has it's own newspaper, so I decided to take a risk and try to write in it too and it turned out to be a great experience!
Take a look at the pics of my student life and I promise I'll be back soon with the new post!

xo. E.